Friday 9 October 2015

About This Site

PROVOKE: International Perspectives on Visual Arts Dissertations in Education

Rita L. Irwin (The University of British Columbia) & Anita Sinner (Concordia University)

The aim of Provoke: International Perspectives on Visual Arts Dissertations in Education is to invite debate on, and provide an essential resource for, transnational scholars engaged in critical analyses of the emergent paradigm of international visual arts education and the articulation of such inquiry in doctoral research. Provoke encompasses creative research practices in the visual arts, and advances pedagogical and experimental perspectives, reflective and evaluative assessments, methodological deliberations, and ethical issues and concerns in relation to a host of topic areas in visual arts education. We anticipate this book will include short chapters that introduce, reflect upon, interrogate and/or employ singular or multiple forms of arts-based educational research and engage in broad definitions of artists, researchers and educators. In this book, education constitutes formal and informal learning environments, such as schools to post-secondary institutions, as well as community and adult education.
The intent of this anthology is to provoke the wider visual arts education community to reimagine the nature, scope and practices of dissertation research in visual arts education. This book will include contributions that demonstrate a range of innovative formats, such as chapters, artistic interludes, visual essays, and sources and interpretations. We invite submissions that are new, unpublished exemplary accounts and studies – self-reflective and/or examples of practice – that showcase visual art dissertations in the field of education.
